The Debaters Live & Steaming is the virtual version of the popular comedy format made famous on CBC radio. Hosted by award-winning comedian and veteran host, Steve Patterson, the Debaters Live & Streaming is an online show where Canadian stand-up comedy stars go toe-to-toe on a debate topic tailor-made for your audience. It’s an interactive show filled with funny and fact crafted specifically for you, where your online audience votes in real-time to pick the winner.
Over the years The Debaters Live’s compelling mix of laughs and logic has been an in-person hit at trade shows and conventions, with a list of clients that includes medical professionals, construction workers, realtors, bankers, teachers and librarians, just to name a few.
The Debaters Live & Streaming also offers ready-made proven debates that we will adapt for you and your organization.
The Debaters Live & Streaming is produced by Richard Side, creator of The Debaters on CBC.
The Debaters Live & Streaming is not a CBC production.